Friday, December 19, 2008

What role does yoga play in weight loss process?

Yoga energizes the major energy points (chakras) and allows energy to flow freely in the body. The energy flow increases your self-awareness, improves your self-perception, helps to become deeply aware of harmful self-sabotaging and self-destructive behaviors so you can overcome them (this includes harmful eating habits). This process promotes healing on many levels.

Specific yoga postures also regulate metabolism and provide a massage to digestive organs.

Yogic breathing exercises help to clear mind of negativity and promote peace and relaxation that are essential on the way to achieving any life goals not only weight loss ones.

As you can see yoga can help in the weight loss process in many different ways.

But only yoga is not enough. Yoga will increase your awareness that will make your mind ready for change but you also need to have right nutritional and exercise plans to follow; you need to know what are the correct nutrients and supplements that support the weight loss process, how to detoxify the body to promote the weight loss, how to clear your mind further and program it for success.

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